Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Components of a functional Monitoring and Evaluation System

The Monitoring and Evaluation System is designed to support the continuous and regular tracking in the progress of the Strategic Plan and annual operational plan. Information managed in such a manner will improve decision making and steer development of the organization. This will also promote Accountability, Transparency, Relevance, Efficiency and Effectiveness. An M&E system refers to all the indicators, tools and processes that you are used to measure if a program has been implemented according to the plan (monitoring) and is having the desired result (evaluation).

In order to successfully achieve the objectives as outlined in the preceding, it is fitting that M&E Tools be utilized in order to, Assess the readiness to undertake M&E interventions, Identify internal gaps that need strengthening, facilitate M&E interventions in relation to strategic plan and facilitate periodic studies of the impact of the Framework on education, training and employment.


The Monitoring and Evaluation System is a system developed to continuously and regularly track the progress in the implementation of the Strategic Plan and annual operational plan. The system represents all the things that must be undertaken before, during and after implementation, in order to track and measure progress (and success) in achieving the overall goal. This is done by analyzing and reporting on planned activities in order to fully understand whether targets were achieved as planned.  The M&E system would include things like who is responsible for M&E tasks in the organization, undertaking of research activities, the type of database that is used for storing the data, the intervals where data should be collected, how the data is collected, who collects the data, the standard forms and data collection tools to be used, how the data is analyzed, the evaluation questions, the frequency with which an evaluation takes place, the budget allocated for evaluation etc.

All data is collected and analyzed through this system (both monitoring and evaluation data). This will help:

1) clarify results achieved,

2) serve as an early warning system and diagnostic and reporting tool,

3) promote on-going discussions with stakeholders in the system, and

4) aid in effective management decision making. 

M&E systems are an integrated reflection and communication system within the organization that must be planned, managed and resourced - it is not simply a statistical task or an external obligation; hence the following critical tasks are covered in this document.


Among other uses, the M&E System is useful in the following;

(a)  provide management with regular information on progress relative to targets and outcomes;

(b) provides a flow of information for internal use by managers, and for external use by stakeholders who expect to see results, want to see demonstrable impacts, and require accountability and trustworthiness on the part of the public sector

(c)assess and demonstrate the effectiveness in achieving strategic objectives and/or impacts.

(d)influence government policy;

Importance of the M&E System

Establishing the M&E System is important in the following ways;

(i)                  M&E System will promote evidence based research including periodic studies of the impact of the project on the livelihood of individuals. This will in turn promote Accountability.

(ii)               The System serves as a diagnostic and early warning system for the organization which will in turn aid in effective management decision making.

(iii)             The System provides consistent and reliable data and information in a transparent manner to Stakeholders in the system.

(iv)             The System describes best practices in relation to information, communication, analysis and reporting within and outside the organization.

(v)               The System spots weaknesses and strengths. To improve the chances of success, attention needs to be placed on some of the common areas of weakness in the implementation of activities. 

A strong M&E System ensures that activities tend to stay on track. Additionally, problems are often detected earlier, which reduces the likelihood of having major cost overruns or time delays later.

Storage and security of data

Organizations use a well-designed, and user-friendly, data system that ensures that: 1) information about activities is captured on time, data is of high quality, processed efficiently and used to make programmatic decisions. The database is used to house all monitoring and evaluation data and to facilitate data analysis and reporting. All data collection instruments will be aligned to the database to ensure consistency and coherency between data collected and the database.  The levels of access to the database will be regulated to ensure data security. Support will be required from the Information and Technology (IT) Specialist on a regular basis.

Assuring Data Quality

High quality data is the cornerstone for evidence-based decision-making. As such, data quality assurance plays a major role in the performance management process. The Monitoring and Evaluation Unit should carry out the following functions;

·   Develop definitions for indicators so that all persons involved with data collection have the same understanding of the indictors;

·         Design and implement tracking sheets for all indicators;

·         Triangulation of data on key indicators;

·         Standardize data collection methods in terms of tools and channels of reporting;

·         Adequate training for all those involved in handling data;

·         Ensure that there are appropriate and secure methods of data storage (data backups and security-protected computers);

·         Include consistency checks in data entry;

·         Establish deadlines for data reporting and develop mechanisms to follow up missed deadlines;

·         Carry out routine data quality assessments on a semi-annual basis;

To ensure that the quality of evidence from the performance monitoring system is sufficient for decision-making, data should reasonably meet the six standards of data quality.

Research and Periodic Studies

Organizations implementing M&E systems will undertake research and periodic studies as a way of further contributing to the knowledge base in society.


M&E systems can produce a lot of deliverables but usually it is the one listed below;

-  Research and periodic studies of the impact of the Framework on education, training and employment.The research activities will include undertaking a Baseline, Mid Term Evaluation and End Line Evaluation. Routine monitoring activities will be undertaken on a regular basis.


Monitoring and Evaluation Systems require TEN (10) main components in order to function effectively and efficiently to achieve the desired results. These ten M&E components are discussed in detail below:

1.0.Logical Framework

2.0.The Results Framework

3.0.The Indicator 

4.0.The Tools

5.0.Human Capacity for M&E

6.0.Organizational Structures with M&E Functions

7.0.Partnerships for Planning, Coordinating and Managing the M&E System

8.0.Communication, Advocacy and Culture for M&E

9.0.M&E Work Plan and costs

10.0.        Evaluation and Research 


There are a lot of skilled professionals you can build your M&E system for you. However, the cost of hiring such is usually high compared to what you can do if you build it yourself. The key is in the logframe and for few hundred dollars you can have a logframe built and the M&E system developed. Click Here if you are interested. 



Author & Editor

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